Achieving Accreditation with Sustainable Winegrowing Australia

For us, achieving SWGA accreditation isn't just a recognition of our sustainable efforts but a reaffirmation of our commitment to improving biodiversity in our vineyard. By focusing on sustainability, we aim to reduce pesticide usage, enhance ecosystem health, and foster vine vitality.
Central to our sustainable approach is the creation of 'eco gardens' within and around our vineyards and cellar door. These gardens serve as habitats for a diverse array of predatory insects, including lacewings, ladybirds, parasitic wasps, and spiders. By nurturing a balanced ecosystem, we promote natural pest management, thus reducing our reliance on chemical interventions.

Creating these eco gardens involved meticulous planning, starting with allocating suitable space on the property and assessing the existing ecosystem. Careful plant selection, incorporating varied heights, foliage sizes, and flowering seasons, was crucial to fostering biodiversity. Furthermore, establishing 'green corridors' to connect eco gardens with vineyards and woodlands ensures the effectiveness of natural pest control. We planted native Xmas Bush, Scarlet Bottlebrush, Grass Tree, Kunzea Pomifera, Native Pigface, and Wolly Mat Rush, all shown to attract the beneficial insects we are looking for in the vineyard.
In addition to promoting insect diversity, we prioritise soil health as a key aspect of sustainability. We utilise grape marc composting mulch to enrich the soil, promoting nutrient transfer and enhancing grape flavour. Moreover, the integration of sheep and guinea fowl contributes to natural fertilisation, reducing the need for herbicides and improving soil aeration.

Preserving habitat diversity is another cornerstone of our sustainability efforts. By fencing off vineyard areas to protect the habitat of red-tailed black cockatoos, we not only safeguard these iconic native birds but also contribute to the overall health and resilience of our local ecosystem. Furthermore, we employ undervine drip irrigation and frost fans not only to enhance water efficiency and mitigate frost risks but also to minimise our environmental footprint. By utilising these innovative techniques, we reduce water consumption, thereby lessening our impact on the surrounding ecosystem while ensuring the continued sustainability of our operations.
While achieving SWGA certification is a significant milestone, many of our sustainable initiatives have been longstanding practices ingrained in our family ethos. Sustainability is not just a goal to be achieved but a journey to be continually embraced and improved upon. As custodians of the land, we remain steadfast in our commitment to responsible stewardship, recognizing that our actions today shape the future of generations to come. Join us as we embark on this journey towards a more sustainable and vibrant future for Coonawarra and beyond.